Railcar Switching that Simply Works.
Industrial Rail Switching Services
A Simple Turn-Key Solution for All Your Rail Switching Service Needs
We provide a customized service package to manage on-site industrial rail yards, including locomotives, insurance, trained personnel, and more. Railserve is the largest, most experienced contract rail services company in the industry.
Railserve Benefits You with:
Reduces Cost
- Decreases or eliminates switching, weighing, and demurrage charges
- Improves railcar fleet utilization due to decreased cycle time
- Reduces rail switching crew time, equipment, and fuel expenses
- Switching allowance to shipper is usually less than a typical railroad’s out-of-pocket switching cost
Increases Plant Efficiency & Capacity
- Cars are delivered and pulled in blocks
- Increased carload volume
- Improves use of track space
- Greater awareness of plant track conditions from contractor observations and reporting

Improves safety
- Permanently-assigned personnel familiar to site and contractor-administered safety training specific to plant operations
- Reduces car handling and associated damages
- Proprietary safety technology, safety programs, and reporting.
Customize Rail Services to Fit Your Specific Needs.
- Locomotives & Material Handling Equipment
- Trained Personnel
- Administration / Supervision
- Insurance
- Proven Safety Methods
- Special Safety Technology
- Reporting & Analysis
- Yard Tracker Software to Manage Plant Inventory
- GPS & Camera Technology for Locomotives
Railcar Switching Services Include:
- Track Maintenance
- Railcar Loading, Unloading and Weighing
- Car Cleaning and Inspections
- Car Storage Solutions
- Gate Operations
- Administration & Clerical
- Yard Inventory Management and Billing
Multi-modal transfer of bulk commodities:
- Crude
- Condensate
- Ethanol
- Butane
- Propane
- Polypropylene
- Synthetic Crude and NGL
Industries Served
- Agriculture / Food Processing
- Chemical / Plastics
- Energy / Refining
- Crude Oil Terminal Operations
- Manufacturing
- Pulp & Paper